Monday, August 25, 2008

Success Comes Naturally If...

Success is a natural occurrence. It's not what you do; it's who you are. As a business owner, if you aren't seeing loads and loads of customers, there's one reason for this odd occurrence (and it's not the economy): YOU HAVEN'T SOLD YOU!

Before you can sell a customer, you have to be sold on the value of what you offer. You have to know its worth, its value to the customer and WHY your customers MUST have this product/service NOW! If you can't answer that question at the drop of a hat, it's time to go back and reevaluate the value of your products and service.

Once you've sold you, selling comes easily and naturally. Why? Because success is who you are and NOT what you do.

I created the HAVE YOU SOLD YOU? Coaching Program for entrepreneurs who are looking to make breakthroughs in their business: increase sales, maximize profitability, improve customer relationships and, most importantly, keep current customers coming back for more.

This phenomenal coaching package comes with the following:
* Have You Sold You? MP3 Series
* Branding Your Business 101 Workbook
* 7 Steps You Can Take to Overcome Temporary Defeat in Business

For $149.99, it's a steal!

Imagine making thousands upon thousands more in profitability (notice I didn't say income), all because you bought a program that costs $149.99.

Don't miss out!

Order your copy today!

- Napolean Hill, "Think and Grow Rich"

1 comment:

Raizu said...

Yes, I will agree that if anyone doesn’t know the worth of his services or in other words importance of the services then he can’t sell his services successfully. But when he can answer as you mentioned then it is better for him and his services. I was looking for executive coaching and your post is for an executive who is in service provider company.